Monday, May 30, 2005

I Love You... Posted by Hello


Anonymous said...

You look like a nice doggie, the kind I like to chase and embarrass. Well, OK, I havent done that in quite a while, but Iused to be good at scaring dogs. I like to walk up to them sideways with my tail all puffed up, and dogs are scared of that.
But for a dog, you have a very nice face.

Mick said...

Why thank you.....Not bad for an old fart...I am nearly 10 years old!

Mick said...

Hi Piggy! Thanks for stopping by! I look forward to viewing some of your pictures on your blog!


Anonymous said...

Oh, my mommy and I have been extremely busy today, and we havent gotten around to resizing our photos for posting. We did find on Yahoo, the ability to have a "video blog", which of course is what we essentially already have, but this would supplement our digital habit. Later this evening, my mommy and I plan to look through all this Blogger stuff, and figure it out.
We are glad to have an experienced poochie on our side to help us. meow meow .. since your sisters are ignoring us.. are they jealous of our extreme feline beauty? We are used to that...LOLOL

Mick said...

Its not their fault...I dont let them post on my blog. They can start their own blogs....I love them but I draw the line at posting their pictures. Once Bowie starts talking she never shuts up.

Besides, all they do is sleep on the monitor and get their cat fur everywhere.

Anonymous said...

Joyce ... for us humans who really do like animals but are not FANATICS about it and take pictures of our pets waste and post on the internet (yes, I can honestly say that I NEVER took a picture of Sydney or Conners poopy diaper)... WHERE ARE THE HUMAN PICS ?!?!?!?!?! My breakfast was ruined - oh well, need to loose weight anyway - and fat dogs are much cuter than skinny ones - why is it that heavy women are not more desirable than the skinny ones??

Love you Joyceeebaby!!!