Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Hump Day Walkabout

C'mon Mom, let's get a move on!

Ooooh, check out this pretty purple flower. Mom says it's an Artichoke plant and it's in bloom.

Hey, can you see these tiny bugs? Wonder what they're up to...

We're getting closer to the bottom of Ridgeline. See the golfers having fun at Strawberry Farms? What a bunch of slackers! Why aren't they at work like my Pa?

Mmmmm, that water sure looks inviting. As you can see, it is a very sunny day and quite warm. Thank goodness there is lots of shade along the sidewalk. Mom is being very considerate of me and letting me take little sniff breaks as I catch my breath.

Hey, little Birdy, can I play with you? Are you huntin' for worms?

See, lots of shade for the walk home.
Up that hill.

You think I'm kidding about this hill, huh? See how steep it is? I sure wouldn't want to ride it like this poor guy - I bet he's huffing and puffing. He'll be relieved once he makes it to the top. Go Rider!

1 comment:

Ghone said...

Cool bug photo!